GET /api/clients<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--> <clients type="array" page="1" per_page="100" total="2"> <client> ... </client> <client> ... </client> </clients>The list can be filtered with parameters:
GET /api/clients?name=gmbhShows all clients with the term “gmbh” in their name. It doesn’t matter if you use upper- or lowercase.
The following parameters can be used:
Parameter | Description |
name | Company name |
client_number | Client number |
e-mail address | |
first_name | First name of the contact person |
last_name | Last name of the contact person |
country_code | Country code as ISO 3166 Alpha-2 |
note | Note |
invoice_id | ID of an invoice of this client, multiple values separated with commas |
tags | Comma separated list of tags |
GET /api/clients/myselfIf you use “myself” as ID, the data of your own account is returned.
Show a specific client
GET /api/clients/{id}<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--> <client> <id type="integer">1</id> <created type="datetime">2007-12-13T12:12:00+01:00</created> <archived>0</archived> <client_number>KD123</client_number> <number type="integer">123</number> <number_pre>KD</number_pre> <number_length type="integer">0</number_length> <name>Musterfirma</name> <salutation>Mr</salutation> <first_name>John</first_name> <last_name>Doe</last_name> <street>Teststreet 123</street> <zip>12345</zip> <city>Foo City</city> <state>Test State Island</state> <country_code>US</country_code></client> <address>Mr John Doe Teststreet 123 12345 Foo City</address> <!-- read only --> <phone>+49 123456789</phone> <fax>+49 123456789</fax> <mobile>+49 123456789</mobile> <email></email> <www></www> <tax_number>12/3456/789</tax_number> <vat_number>DE123456789</vat_number> <bank_account_owner>John Doe</bank_account_owner> <bank_number>123456789</bank_number> <bank_name>Deutsche Bank</bank_name> <bank_account_number>123456789</bank_account_number> <bank_swift>SWIFT/BIC</bank_swift> <bank_iban>IBAN</bank_iban> <enable_customerportal>1</enable_customerportal> <customerportal_url></customerportal_url> <sepa_mandate>MN123</sepa_mandate> <sepa_mandate_date>2013-12-10</sepa_mandate_date> <tax_rule>COUNTRY</tax_rule> <net_gross>SETTINGS</net_gross> <default_payment_types>CASH,PAPAL</default_payment_types> <reduction>10</reduction> <discount_rate_type>SETTINGS</discount_rate_type> <discount_rate>2</discount_rate> <discount_days_type>SETTINGS</discount_days_type> <discount_days>7</discount_days> <due_days_type>SETTINGS</due_days_type> <due_days>14</due_days> <reminder_due_days_type>RELATIVE</reminder_due_days_type> <reminder_due_days>-2</reminder_due_days> <offer_validity_days_type>ABSOLUTE</offer_validity_days_type> <offer_validity_days>30</offer_validity_days> <currency_code>CHF</currency_code> <price_group>2</price_group> <debitor_account_number>10000</debitor_account_number> <dunning_run>0</dunning_run> <note>Really nice custumer</note> <revenue_gross type="float">1900</revenue_gross> <!-- read only --> <revenue_net type="float">1000</revenue_net> <!-- read only -->Create a client
POST /api/clients
XML element | Description | Type | Default value | Mandatory |
archived | State of archival storage. 1=archived, 0=active | BOOL | 0 | |
number_pre | Prefix | ALNUM | Value from settings | |
number | sequential number | INT | next free number | |
number_length | Minimum length of the customer number (to be filled with leading zeros) | INT | Value from settings | |
name | Company name | ALNUM | ||
street | Street | ALNUM | ||
zip | Zip code | ALNUM | ||
city | City | ALNUM | ||
state | State, county, district, region | ALNUM | ||
country_code | Country | Country code as ISO 3166 Alpha-2 | Value from your own company | |
first_name | First name | ALNUM | ||
last_name | Last name | ALNUM | ||
salutation | Salutation | ALNUM | ||
phone | Phone | ALNUM | ||
fax | Fax | ALNUM | ||
mobile | mobile number | ALNUM | ||
valid Email address | ||||
www | Website | URL (w/o http) | ||
tax_number | Tax number | ALNUM | ||
vat_number | VAT number | valid VAT number | ||
bank_account_number | Bank account number | ALNUM | ||
bank_account_owner | Bank account owner | ALNUM | ||
bank_number | Bank identifier code | ALNUM | ||
bank_name | Bank name | ALNUM | ||
bank_swift | SWIFT/BIC | ALNUM | ||
bank_iban | IBAN | valid IBAN | ||
sepa_mandate | Mandate reference of a SEPA Direct Debit mandate | ALNUM | ||
sepa_mandate_date | Date of issue of the SEPA Direct Debit mandate | DATE | ||
locale | Locale of the client. If no value is passed, the locale of the account will be applied to the client. | ALNUM | ||
tax_rule | Tax Rule | TAX, NO_TAX, COUNTRY | COUNTRY | |
default_payment_types | Payment Type (eg. CASH, BANK_TRANSFER, PAYPAL, …). More than one payment type could be given as a comma separated list. Theses payment types will be logically OR-connected. You can find a overview of all payment types at API documentation of payments. If no value is passed, the customer will be offered the payment types specified at the account settings. | ALNUM | ||
net_gross | Price basis (net, gross, according to account settings) | NET, GROSS, SETTINGS | SETTINGS | |
note | Note | ALNUM | ||
reduction | Reduction in percent | FLOAT | ||
discount_rate_type | Type of the default value for discount rate | SETTINGS, ABSOLUTE, RELATIVE | SETTINGS | |
discount_rate | Discount rate | FLOAT | ||
discount_days_type | Type of the default value for discount interval | SETTINGS, ABSOLUTE, RELATIVE | SETTINGS | |
discount_days | Discount period in days | FLOAT | ||
due_days_type | Type of the default value for maturity | SETTINGS, ABSOLUTE, RELATIVE | SETTINGS | |
due_days | Maturity in days from invoice date | INT | ||
reminder_due_days_type | Type of the default value for reminder maturity | SETTINGS, ABSOLUTE, RELATIVE | SETTINGS | |
reminder_due_days | Reminder maturity | INT | ||
offer_validity_days_type | Type of the default value for validity of estimates | SETTINGS, ABSOLUTE, RELATIVE | SETTINGS | |
offer_validity_days | Validity of estimates | INT | ||
currency_code | The currency for this client. If this field is empty, the account currency is used. | ISO currency code | ||
price_group | Artciles can have several prices. The pricegroup defines which price applies to the client. | INT | ||
debitor_account_number | Debitor account number | INT | ||
dunning_run | Automated dunning run? | BOOL |
<client> <name>Musterfirma</name> <salutation>Herr</salutation> <first_name>Max</first_name> <last_name>Muster</last_name> <street>Musterstraße 123</street> <zip>12345</zip> <city>Musterstadt</city> <state>Bundesland</state> <country_code>DE</country_code> <phone>+49 123456789</phone> <fax>+49 123456789</fax> <email></email> <www></www> <tax_number>12/3456/789</tax_number> <vat_number>DE123456789</vat_number> <bank_account_owner>Kontoinhaber</bank_account_owner> <bank_number>123456789</bank_number> <bank_name>Deutsche Bank</bank_name> <bank_account_number>123456789</bank_account_number> <bank_swift>SWIFT/BIC</bank_swift> <bank_iban>IBAN</bank_iban> </client><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--> <client> ... </client>Edit client
PUT /api/clients/{id}<client> <name>ACME</name> </client><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--> <client> ... </client>Delete client
DELETE /api/clients/{id}This is only possible if no documents exist for this client.
Response: 200 OKShow a client image (avatar)
GET /api/clients/{id}/avatar?size={size}Returns the avatar for the client with the given ID. The image is cut square. The size in pixels can be specified by the size paramater.