
Get all inbox documents

GET /api/inbox-documents
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inbox-documents type="array" page="1" per_page="100" total="2">
<id type="integer">1</id>
<user_id type="integer">1</user_id>
<filesize type="integer">128767</filesize>
<metadata type="array">
<id type="integer">2</id>
<user_id type="integer">foo</user_id>
<filesize type="integer">12463</filesize>
<metadata type="array"></metadata>

Get a single inbox document

GET /api/inbox-documents/{id}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<id type="integer">1</id>
<user_id type="integer">1</user_id>
<filesize type="integer">128767</filesize>
<base64file>{base64 encoded file}</base64file>
<metadata type="array">

Create an inbox document

POST /api/inbox-documents
XML elementDescriptionTypeDefault valueMadatory
filenameName of the fileALNUM
base64fileBase64 encoded fileBASE64FILEyes
metadataList of meta data (see below)ARRAY
<base64file>{base64 encoded file}</base64file>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<id type="integer">17</id>
<user_id type="integer">12</user_id>
<filesize type="integer">13767</filesize>
<base64file>{base64 encoded file}</base64file>


A document can be annotated with metadata. This data can be useful when an inbox document becomes a incoming invoice later.
Metadata are embedded in a metadata block and always consists of a key and a value.

<value>Billomat Gmbh &amp; Co KG</value>

The following key are supported:

TOTAL_GROSSTotal amount gross
TOTAL_NETTotal amount net
CURRENCY_CODEISO currency code
INVOICE_NUMBERInvoice number
CLIENT_NUMBERClient number
DUE_DATEDue date
SENDER_SALUTATIONSalutation of the supplier
SENDER_NAMEName of the supplier
SENDER_NAME_ADDITIONName addition of the supplier
SENDER_STREETStreet of the supplier
SENDER_PO_BOXPox box of the supplier
SENDER_ZIPZip code of the supplier
SENDER_CITYCity of the supplier
SENDER_STATEState of the supplier
SENDER_COUNTRYCountry of the supplier
PHONEPhone number of the supplier
MOBILEHandynummer of the supplier
FAXFax number of the supplier
EMAILE-mail address of the supplier
WWWHomepage of the supplier
BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBERBank account number of the supplier
BANK_NUMBERBank number of the supplier
BANK_NAMEBank of the supplier
IBANIBAN of the supplier
BICBIC of the supplier
TAX_NUMBERTax number of the supplier
VAT_NUMBERVAT number of the supplier
COMPANY_REGISTER_IDCompany register id of the supplier
SEPA_CREDITOR_IDENTIFIERSEPA creditor identifier of the supplier

Delete an inbox document

DELETE /api/inbox-documents/{id}