
List all suppliers

GET /api/suppliers
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
<suppliers type="array" page="1" per_page="100" total="2">

The list can be filtered with parameters:

GET /api/suppliers?name=gmbh

Shows all suppliers with the term “gmbh” in their name. It doesn’t matter if you use upper- or lowercase.
The following parameters can be used:

nameCompany name
emaile-mail address
first_nameFirst name of the contact person
last_nameLast name of the contact person
country_codeCountry code as ISO 3166 Alpha-2
creditor_identifierSEPA creditor identifier
client_numberClient number you may have at this supplier.
incoming_idID of an incoming of this supplier, multiple values separated with commas
tagsComma separated list of tags

Show a specific supplier

GET /api/suppliers/{id}
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
    <id type="integer">1</id>
    <created type="datetime">2007-12-13T12:12:00+01:00</created>
    <street>Sample street 123</street>
    <city>Foo City</city>
    <state>Test State Island</state>
    <phone>+49 123456789</phone>
    <fax>+49 123456789</fax>
    <mobile>+49 123456789</mobile>
    <bank_account_owner>Account owner</bank_account_owner>
    <bank_name>Deutsche Bank</bank_name>
    <note>Really nice supplier</note>
    <costs_gross type="float">119</costs_gross> <!-- read only -->
    <costs_net type="float">100</costs_net> <!-- read only -->

Create a supplier

POST /api/suppliers
XML-ElementDescriptionTypeDefault ValueMandatory
nameCompany nameALNUM
zipZip codeALNUM
stateState, county, district, regionALNUM
country_codeLandCountry code as ISO 3166 Alpha-2Value from your own company
first_nameFirst nameALNUM
last_nameLast nameALNUM
mobilemobile numberALNUM
emailEmailvalid Email address
wwwWebsiteURL (w/o http)
tax_numberTax numberALNUM
vat_numberVAT numbervalid VAT number
creditor_identifierSEPA creditor identifiervalid creditor identifier
bank_account_numberBank account numberALNUM
bank_account_ownerBank account ownerALNUM
bank_numberBank identifier codeALNUM
bank_nameBank nameALNUM
bank_ibanIBANvalid IBAN
client_numberClient number you may have at this supplier.ALNUM
currency_codeThe currency for this client. If this field is empty, the account currency is used.ISO currency code
    <street>Test street 123</street>
    <city>Foo City</city>
    <state>Test State Island</state>
    <phone>+49 123456789</phone>
    <fax>+49 123456789</fax>
    <mobile>+49 123456789</mobile>
    <bank_account_owner>Account owner</bank_account_owner>
    <bank_name>Deutsche Bank</bank_name>
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
    <id type="integer">1234</id>
    <created type="datetime">2007-12-13T12:12:00+01:00</created>
    <street>Sample street 123</street>
    <city>Foo City</city>
    <state>Test State Island</state>
    <phone>+49 123456789</phone>
    <fax>+49 123456789</fax>
    <mobile>+49 123456789</mobile>
    <bank_account_owner>Account owner</bank_account_owner>
    <bank_name>Deutsche Bank</bank_name>
    <costs_gross type="float">0</costs_gross>
    <costs_net type="float">0</costs_net>

Edit supplier

PUT /api/suppliers/{id}
    <id type="integer">1234</id>
    <created type="datetime">2007-12-13T12:12:00+01:00</created>
    <street>Sample street 123</street>
    <city>Foo City</city>
    <state>Test State Island</state>
    <phone>+49 123456789</phone>
    <fax>+49 123456789</fax>
    <mobile>+49 123456789</mobile>
    <bank_account_owner>Account owner</bank_account_owner>
    <bank_name>Deutsche Bank</bank_name>
    <costs_gross type="float">0</costs_gross>
    <costs_net type="float">0</costs_net>

Delete supplier

DELETE /api/suppliers/{id}

This is only possible if no documents exist for this supplier.