Managing your operating expenses has never been easier! Save your receipts and invoices online – without typing them out! Thanks to the automatic document recognition, Billomat directly transfers the data from pdf, Word, jpg and other files to its system. It’s very simple!
✔ Upload your document
✔ Edit or categorize your documents
✔ Save the document in the archive
First, you need to upload your documents. To do so, you can use the drag & drop widget in your dashboard. Another option is to either use your Billomat inbox or to connect your account with a cloud storage. Billomat transfers all incoming invoices automatically.
After the upload, you can assign the invoice or receipt to a supplier. Simply select the corresponding supplier from your CRM or create a new contact.
Billomat automatically reads out the data from your invoice. You still can provide further details or to assign the document to one of the categories belonging to the operating expenses. This way, you are building the basis for your cash flow statement (CFS).
Billomat goes one step further. By registering and categorizing your documents, you are building the basis for the cash flow statement (CFS).
Determine your fiscal profit with just one click at the end of the business year, based on your revenues and expenses. This way, you will become your tax accountant’s favourite!
Thanks to the automatic text recognition, you can save a lot of time. Billomat recognizes the data from your document and registers them directly. Your invoice data are saved online with just one click.